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REACH OUT LAKOTA On the first Sunday of each month, St. John Parish invites you to bring any food donations for Reach Out Lakota to the Gathering Space to assist with keeping their supply full for those in our community. SHARE-A-LUNCH Help the St. John Parish Share-A-Lunch ministry provide bulk items needed for St. Francis and Reach Out Lakota. Item drop-off will be on the fourth Sunday of each month at the St. John Pavilion. Items typically needed are: cans of soup and meat with pop tops, No. 10 cans (very large) of veggies and beans, granola bars, pop tarts, cracker packs, elbow macaroni, bowtie pasta, loaves of bread, fruit cups, canned fruit, cooking oil, sugar, and cereal. If you have questions, contact Diane at 513-374-3349. SHARED FOOD SUNDAY On the fourth Sunday of each month, St. Michael Parish collects non-perishable food and hygiene products to Mass for Mercy Neighborhood Ministries. Place them on the wire shelves in the lower Gathering Space before or after Mass. Items typically needed are: cans of soup and meat with pop tops, No. 10 cans (very large) of veggies and beans, granola bars, pop tarts, cracker packs, elbow macaroni, bowtie pasta, loaves of bread, fruit cups, canned fruit, cooking oil, sugar, and cereal. SHARONVILLE FOOD PANTRY When there arises a fifth Sunday of the month, St. Michael Parish St. Vincent DePaul Council will collect non-perishable food and hygiene items for the Sharonville Food Pantry. Place them on the wire shelves in the lower Gathering Space before or after Mass. Items typically needed are: cans of soup and meat with pop tops, No. 10 cans (very large) of veggies and beans, granola bars, pop tarts, cracker packs, elbow macaroni, bowtie pasta, loaves of bread, fruit cups, canned fruit, cooking oil, sugar, and cereal. MATTHEW 25 PILL BOTTLES All of our Parishes collect empty bill bottles for Matthew 25 Ministries. These bottles are used to ship medical supplies to impoverish areas across the globe. f you donate your empty pill bottles to Matthew 25, please note that Matthew 25 is only able to accept bottles that are clean, label-free, and see-through plastic. Any donations must meet all three of these criteria. If your pill bottles do not meet this criteria, we encourage you to recycle them with your regular recycling service. Receptacles for your donation can be found in the Gathering Space or donations can be dropped off to Parish Offices. |
CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES Your generous donations will fund CRS's programs such as the USCCB Office for International Justice & Peace, Migration and Refugee Services, relief work of the Holy Father, and the Catholic Legal Immigration Network. HOLY FATHER'S COLLECTION Also known as the Peter's Pence Collection, this collection provides Pope Francis with the funds he needs to carry out his charitable works around the world. The proceeds benefit our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters.
RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY This collection is held in October. All monies collected are forwarded to the Chancery Office and designated for the Respect-Life Collection. A small portion of these funds assist in sustaining the Respect Life programs of the Archdiocese, and the balance is designated for Respect-Life Grants. #MISSION SUNDAY Remembering that we are baptized and sent as a Universal Church of Christ on mission in the world, we can PRAY for the Church's worldwide missionary work, and offer financial help and charity through The Society for the Propagation of the Faith for vulnerable communities throughout Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific Islands. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT More than 46 million people in the United States live in poverty today. This collection supports programs that empower people to identify and address obstacles as they work to make permanent and positive changes for their communities. RETIREMENT FUND FOR RELIGIOUS You can help. “Religious are blessed to serve,” says Dominican Father Bertrand Ebben, age 90. Please donate to the Retirement Fund for Religious next week. Your gift will provide essential care for nearly 25,000 senior sisters, brothers and religious order priests who have dedicated their lives to serving others. Let us show our gratitude to these selfless individuals by giving generously. MILITARY SERVICES This mission of AMS is to serve Catholics in the United States Armed Forces, enrolled in US Military Academies, undergoing treatment at any of the 153 Department of Veteran's Affairs' Medical Centers, working in civilian jobs for the federal government, and the families of these populations. The Military Archdiocese, its priests and its deacons are responsible for 1.8 million Catholics. BOTTLES FOR BABIES Bottles for Babies is a way for members to directly provide financial support to the ministry of Life Centers. Bottles are distributed and then returned to us with donations, in the forms of change, cash, or checks. Those funds are used to transform lives and save babies right here in greater Indianapolis. The bottles also raise awareness regarding the ministry of Life Centers. GIVING TUESDAY HOLIDAY MEAL OUTREACH Each Thanksgiving and Christmas, St. John coordinates the opportunity to help provide a holiday meal to the less fortunate. The meals are served at Our Daily Bread in Over-the-Rhine. Parishioners can buy a turkey, make a turkey and/or gravy, or donate money to help purchase side items. Look for details in the bulletin in the weeks leading to Thanksgiving and Christmas for information on how to be a part of this wonderful ministry. CHRISTMAS FLOWERS Parishioners can help beautify St. John or St. Michael church for the holiday season by contributing to altar flowers. Your donation can be given as a gift or in memory of a loved one. To make your gift online, please visit For cash or check donations, return a collection envelope with payment to either St. John or St. Michael. Please clearly mark your envelopes “Christmas Flowers” and make checks out to the Parish you wish to direct your contribution. EASTER FLOWERS Parishioners can help beautify St. John or St. Michael church for the Holy season by contributing to altar flowers. Your donation can be given as a gift or in memory of a loved one. To make your gift online, please visit For cash or check donations, return a collection envelope with payment to either St. John or St. Michael. Please clearly mark your envelopes “Easter Flowers” and make checks out to the Parish you wish to direct your contribution. |