Each program and ministry of the Church keeps Jesus at the center and meets you where you are. We have additional opportunities to learn and serve through our parish family and community for adults and teens. Help others benefit from these great programs and ministries by being an active part of your parish.
“We are called to this place and to these people. We minister to this place and to these people in the name of Jesus Christ for the welfare of this place and for all these people, regardless of their faith or their background, even though we joyfully proclaim Jesus to everyone.”
Tri-County Catholics hosts many organizations and service events throughout the year to help those in need. Whether you are in need of assistance yourself, or you want to get involved to make our world better, we have something for you. Assistance extends to those in our parish, our community, the nation and the world. Activities include food drives, clothing drives, Christmas Toy Drive, Christmas Baskets, support for Habitat for Humanity and drives for situations involving natural disasters or crisis situations.
The purpose of Helping Hands ministry is to assist those in our parish and surrounding community who are in need of temporary labor services. These services may include, but are not restricted to:
Minor home repairs
Changing lightbulbs and batteries
Other household tasks in need by those aging in place
Occasional yard work
Occasional assistance in house cleaning
Occasional organization of transportation to local destinations
Delivery of food and other goods to those in need
Other similar assistance
The following services are NOT in the scope of this ministry:
Work requiring a processional license
Work at heights over six feet
Continuous or full-time services
Work considered hazardous to our volunteers
The Helping Hands ministry will accept or reject requests for services based on the availability and capability of our volunteers and after a safety and hazard assessment of the job. The Helping Hands Ministry is comprised entirely of volunteers who provide their time and effort at no charge. Those requesting assistance are responsible for anything financial cost of materials and supplies. Our ministry will provide a good faith estimate of the cost of material and supplies before starting any work.
We encourage those who need assistance to call (513) 563-6377 or complete the form below.
The Justice and Peace Commission of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Community will be a witness of Christ's love and teachings by working for justice for all. The Commission will provide educational opportunities which build understanding of social justice issues and promote community action to eliminate inequities within our society. The commission will support the charitable works undertaken by parish groups. Members meet monthly to discuss Catholic Social Teaching and its meaning for our parish. This ministry has a lot of fun, too! Contact Tony Klimek for more information or join the group.
“Meal Ministers” are people who make meals for members of our community who are going through a tough time and could use a few homemade meals. We use a simple online sign-up tool that our Meal Ministers utilize to choose when and for whom they cook. The online site also explains any special food needs and gives delivery instructions. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please contact Joan Seibenick.
More importantly, if you know of a local friend or family member who could use the assistance of our ministry, please send Joan a note or give her a call. A warm meal delivered to the door is a personal and meaningful way to reach out to someone in need. Many of us know someone who may be experiencing a hardship because of the holiday season. We can take a meal to them! Just give us the name and we will do all of the work.
St. Michael Serves is a weekend of service opportunities for all members of the family. Most service opportunities are offered here at St. Michael Parish; some opportunities are off-site. This event is usually held twice a year, during Lent and Advent. For more information, or if you are interested in participating, please contact parishioner, Rhonda Marshall.
The purpose of the St. Vincent de Paul society says, "Our purpose is to fulfill the two great commandments - love of God and love of neighbor." Our conference, answers Christ's call and fosters hope by providing spiritual, emotional and material assistance on a person-to-person basis to the people in need in our community.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society is the largest lay association of charity in the Roman Catholic Church serving those in need by person-to-person contact. Confidential home visits are carried out by our members, who are called Vincentians. During visits we listen, assess needs and provide immediate assistance, (i.e. food, rent, clothing and essential utilities). We also provide resource information for those needing further help. We promote and may help finance systemic change, to those who seek education or training for job opportunities, to climb out of poverty. Our work is focused within the Tri-County Area of Greater Cincinnati and we work closely with other near-by St. Vincent de Paul parish Conferences. Our Vincentians are lay people and members of our parish with a wide array of backgrounds and experience. We meet two times a month to further develop our spirituality, to share how we have assisted those with needs and to improve in carrying out our mission. We welcome anyone to contact us to volunteer or for assistance.
St. Michael St. Vincent DePaul Chapter (513) 563-6377 ext. 353 | Ministry Contact: Janet Raters St. John St. Vincent DePaul Chapter 513) 777-6433 ext. 120 | Ministry Contact: Steve Wertepny
GE MATCHING FUNDS GE employees are eligible to have donations ranging from $25.00-$50,000 annually matched, dollar for dollar. Click HEREto register.
Who becomes involved? Parishioners who have a desire to put their love for God into action become members. They are ordinary people who have an extraordinary mission to recognize those in need and to try to minimize suffering. Who is the person/family calling St Vincent de Paul? Generally, the person or family, in need, is hurting because of illness, joblessness, financial woes, lack of options, loneliness or a loss of some kind. Will my involvement require much time? Active conference members meet to pray together, discuss needs of clients and how to help. Depending on your level of involvement, your time commitment depends on whatever you are willing to give. How does one train to be a Vincentian? A new member is paired with an experienced member of the Society. We are not counselors, nor social workers. In addition, the SVdP organization offers specific training several times a year. If I can’t be an active member, can I still help? Definitely! We need your prayers and your contributions. Our conferences rely on the generosity of parishioners. You may choose to become an associate member. Associate members could be calledupon by active members to help in specific needs which use your talents, education or even certain work related experiences
Stephen Ministry exists to equip, send out and support lay caregivers as they share Christ’s healing love to those in need. Our mission is to fulfill Paul’s words in Galatians 6:2, “Bear one another’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ”.
Tri-County Catholics Stephen Ministers have completed fifty hours of in-depth training. They are then partnered with an individual who is experiencing any one of life’s challenges or difficulties. Together, they walk the journey of high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered, and one-on-one care. We all experience challenges in life - times when we could benefit from the support of a caring friend. Stephen Ministers are ready to provide the emotional and spiritual care we need when faced with a crisis or difficulty, such as:
Loss of a loved one
Divorce or separation
Loneliness or discouragement
Spiritual cries
Unemployment or job crisis
A terminal illness
Birth, adoption, miscarriage, or infertility
A chronic illness
Recovery after an accident or disaster
And many more
For general information about Stephen Ministry or if you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, please contact Scott Steinke. If you or someone you know are in need of emotional support through our Stephen Ministry, please complete the form below. All are invited to utilize these services and there is no reason to feel ashamed or embarrassed for seeking help.
Stephen Ministry is a confidential ministry: The identity of those receiving care and what takes place in each caring relationship remains private.
Personal Witnesses: Notes from Stephen Ministry Care Recipients "Divorce is a situation almost half of us experience in our lifetimes, either from our parents' lives or in our own. At best, it is a very sad and isolating experience. Even when you love the Lord and your church, you feel the stigma associated with it. Moving on is very difficult when your energy has been sapped. My Stephen Minister has been a friend and Christian connection through my trials. She has heard me voice my most private thoughts and feelings. She has shared my tears and has quietly helped me prioritize things from a Christian perspective. Her prayers have strengthened me. She withholds judgement. Her suggestions have been wise and often very witty. She reminds me that I am exactly where I am supposed to be when I express impatience with myself. We pray together and share chocolate and ice cream. For me, she is a model of a courageous woman who has made good choices and is totally devoted to becoming more Christ-like in her service to others. The world is a better place because she is in it, and I am better for her example. Thanks be to God."
"My connection with my Stephen Minister all started when my mother/best friend died suddenly, and I went into a long period of grief. She was the last one to leave in my blessed family of four. I was now alone. Realizing I needed help, I called several churches. This was in 2020, and I had no luck due to the pandemic. To this day I don’t know how I connected with St John the Evangelist as it was far away and I don’t know the area and therefore wouldn’t have called your church. But I received a call. As grace would have it, I got a wonderful young lady as my Stephen Minister. We met and I instantly felt comfortable with her. We were an odd combination as our lives were extremely opposite. She has a couple of busloads of family members, a good marriage and is very physically active. I, on the other hand, have all mental pursuits – reading, writing, playing chess and grieving. Walking a couple of blocks is something I’d have to be forced to do. My Stephen Minister and I have met regularly and have had many talks relating to spirituality, serious discussions on life, much humor and laughter, and some Scrabble in the mix. She has given my life a sense of stability, a safe place to talk openly, and that important ingredient called humor. I thank my Stephen Minister, the Stephen Ministry and St John the Evangelist for this blessing in my life. I also want to thank the person that initiated it all by his phone call 3 ½ years ago."